
Project Management Features in Productivity Management

By Stacey Perrine posted 17 Jan, 2024 13:38


Users can access further information about a project from the Project Details page. Users can choose the expand menu in the upper left-hand corner to access these features.



Quickly access all project-related content, assets, and attachments on the Project Overview screen. You can even chat in real-time about project status and customize the screen with various cards.

A user with the Project Overview, Configuration right can add or remove cards. When a user has this right, an add new card button will be available next to the three-dot menu. Also, within each card's three-dot menu, there will be an option to delete it. Configuration changes are unique per project and are saved automatically.


Task Worksheet

Tasks are the building blocks of your project. Use the Task Worksheet to manage them. You can view and insert regular tasks here, and it's the only place to add simple tasks. You can also change assignees, dates, and task durations on open tasks.

Task Agile Board

Get a visual display of work with the Task Agile Board. It shows backlog, status, and process to keep things running smoothly. Easily manage tasks, assignees, and dates. You can filter by Activity, Project, Team, or User. You can quickly change a task’s assignees, begin and end dates.

Task List

The Task List displays all tasks in your project. You can add simple tasks here but not regular ones. An advantage Task List has over Task Worksheet is you can configure the columns how you want for viewing.

Gantt Chart

See a progressive view of tasks on a calendar timeline. Use display options and take snapshots to compare the baseline to today.

Work Schedules

Decide workdays and weekends for your project. Work schedules are attached to tasks, accommodating task assignees in different time zones.


Capture project milestones and changes with snapshots. Take them from the Snapshots module or Gantt Chart module.


If a task fails, check the Troubleshooting page for errors and retry tasks that have failed to close for the following reasons:

  • Task did not close due to a transient error. With this type of error, usually, no configuration needs to be changed, and a retry of the task will result in a task that successfully closes.
  • Task failed due to asset update failures. There are various reasons that a task could fail to close in this case and opening the Resolution Tips link seen in the failure on the page will help guide you to updated configuration that will lead to a successful task close.


All users who can view the project can access the Troubleshooting page. However, only users with ‘Workflow, Admin’ or ‘System Administration, Access’ domain rights can click Retry.


Users can retry a task three times before the retry is no longer available. Be aware that when retrying to close the task, all logic will be run again. This includes refiring a webhook and trying to duplicate an asset (if the task is configured with those items). Do not attempt a retry if you have any concerns about task logic running again.

Audit Trail

Automatically record actions with the Audit Trail. There's a standard one and an enhanced one that tracks additional data. A standard audit trail records a default set of data. An enhanced audit trail records a default set of data and data from extended attributes that your system administrator selected to track. The Project Audit trail is an enhanced audit trail.



Leave a brief message about your project with Notes. Notes are not used as often since chat boards have more functionality for communicating across a project.



Access project attachments easily. Upload files or add URLs. Attachments can be manually added by someone who has edit access to the project like the project manager or come in from being uploaded on project tasks.

By using these features, project managers can effortlessly keep tabs on their projects and track progress.